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Use the Power Of Forgiveness as Your Path to Oneness

The goal here is to share and bring your attention to the importance of forgiveness. And why should we even consider it in the first place. Let me tell you a quick little story about how this came about for me. And it'll probably help you understand and make sense sense of connecting some dots for yourself. My mom suffered from several health issues for many many years before she passed away in December 2014 and that got me very depressed for several months. I felt a very intense and deep combination of grief and anger - the grief that I didn't have a mom anymore and the anger that she was not available to support me for most of my adult life. I'm not blaming anything or anyone here but I definitely missed her so much and that left a void in my life. I felt like I was going down emotionally and was desperately looking for a way out. I was trying to make peace with what had happened. My daughter was really little at that time and that built a sense of urgency to gather up my pieces. I had to find a way out so I didn't get drowned in this journey. I realized that my mom had lost her mom early on and she almost had to step up to be the mom for her siblings and take care of them. I understood the struggles she had with her family and the truck load of unresolved emotions she had been carrying all her life that eventually contributed to the many health issues she had including breast cancer. By going through this process and putting the different pieces together to make peace and heal from the grief of losing my mom - came forth the forgiveness exercise that I now teach my clients. It helps let go of the emotional baggage we carry and also bring back the pieces of ourselves that we leave behind with every unpleasant experience we go through in this lifetime or other lifetimes. So basically what you're doing is you're claiming back whatever you left behind, and you're releasing what is no longer yours. This is what I'm asked all the time - What if you don't feel anything? How can something so simple be so effective? Well, this is the beginning of the journey to healing your emotions at new levels. By acknowledging these emotions and as you begin to immerse yourself in this process, you shift from being a passive observer of the emotional roller coaster to becoming an active participant in your life. This initiates a huge shift in your energies from the core. So when that happens, you start bringing back your fragments and you let go of what is no longer yours. As these parts start coming back to you, you will at a deeper level. And even if you're not willing to forgive some people, which is totally understandable, you are declaring that you are ready to move on! We're not saying that what was done is justifiable. You're not forgiving the act. You're forgiving the person. So we no longer are attached to that person and they are no longer draining us. Think about it this way - the person you are upset about might be having a party on the other side of the globe and have no clue you are upset with them. So what can you expect with this process? By acknowledging, accepting and healing your emotions that have been ignored or suppressed for the longest time - You're really starting to heal your heart. You're opening it up to a whole new level of compassion, forgiveness, oneness, divinity and even balancing your inner sacred masculine and divine feminine energies. That means you open up to connecting to your intuition and your divinity right inside of you! I would love to hear what your experiences are as you start this journey. Share them with me and reach out to me if you have questions. And let me know how I can support you.

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It's your turn to bring in divine love, balance, compassion & oneness into your sacred heart center so you can experience healing in your physical, emotional, mental & energy bodies.


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