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You Deserve to Move from Mystery to Mastery

Unshakable You Book Cover

Healing Heart, Home, and Health for Exuberant Success

Are you tired of carrying the heavy burden of emotional wounds that weigh down your heart, suffocating your spirit and hindering your growth?

Do you long for a peaceful sanctuary within your home - a sacred space where you can recharge your energy and find solace amidst the chaos of everyday life?

You’re not alone.

It’s all too easy in this modern world to lose yourself in the outward trappings of success and neglect the health of your heart and soul.

The good news is you can change that.

You can discover your life’s purpose and be both successful and happy again.

You don’t have to isolate yourself on a remote mountaintop and meditate for years – you can heal your heart, home, and health right where you are now.

Achieving true healing and transformation isn’t just for spiritual gurus or enlightened beings – it’s for anybody who wants to break free from negative cycles and patterns and find purpose and fulfillment.

Energized Crystals, Jewelry, & Carvings

  • Are you waking up to something new in your evolution?

  • Are you serious about your empowerment journey?

  • Are you wondering if your home is keeping you stuck?

If you answered 'Yes' to any of these, 


Become Unshakable: Resources & Support

Copyright 2016 onwards Sovereignty Embodied by Archanaa Shyam. All Rights Reserved.


Information and healing provided through this website and offline during the sessions are intended to enable and enhance your physical, emotional and energetic well being. Although we adhere to the highest standards and professional ethics, we cannot make guarantees regarding effectiveness or healing outcomes. Intuitive readings, evaluations, healing sessions, training programs and other recommendations are intended to complement, not replace or substitute, professional medical diagnosis and treatment. This website, these statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Always consult with your doctor about any symptoms that may require medical attention. We cannot and do not provide medical diagnoses or treatment, prescribe medicine or give psychotherapy. All personal information received from client is kept strictly confidential. There is absolutely no sharing of personal addresses or emails.

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